Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is the world really planning a boycott over Youtube and it's Vevo??

It seems that the world is upset with he way Youtube is running with all these different ads and having VeVo as a main video uploader which is actually replacing users. This is a movement that it seems had started in the first 5 to 6 days of the year!! Check it out, read the comments of each video  and express your opinion!!!!

Taio Cruz - Dynamite (Int'l Version)

Read the comments! They are the same as the other videos below!
The comments below are extracted from

Highest Rated Comments

  • If This Get 50 Thumbs up in 2 Hours i will Poop in My sisters Pillow Case and Upload the Video
  • On the 10th of Jaunary 2011 a worldwide boycott of youtube will take place. Which means for one whole day no-one will visit youtube. We want VEVO (and other companies) and their f*cking ads OUT. Do your part sharing this comment on as many videos as possible and give this one a thumbs up!


This  comment was extracted from :

Do you remember....
1. When you could get on youtube without a huge ad at the top of your homepage?
2. When EVERY music video was from a user, not Vevo?
3. When you could use it as a music player without having an ad in the beginning of a music vid?
4. When copyright infringement wasn't a big deal?
5. When it was YOUtube?
Copy and paste onto videos telling youtube how PISSED we, the YOU in YOUtube, are with their greedy corporate butts

Nicki Minaj - Right Thru Me (Clean Version)

These comments were extracted from

Highest Rated Comments

  • Guys, I'm trying to start a rally against Vevo.
    Let all your friends know, and tell them to subscribe to me.
    This isn't a joke.
    I'm sick and tired of having to pick and choose the songs I wanna put in my videos just because some corporate bigwigs are paying YouTube off.
    I'm also sick and fucking tired of watching advertisements on every video I click on.
    Thumb this comment up so EVERYONE sees it!
    Join the cause!!
  • @canadianztar that guy is damn handsome !!!

'Golden Voice' homeless man finds job, home after viral video success

These comments are extracted from Youtube:

Highest Rated Comments

    Ok, so the original video with 13 million views (which was gotten in just 48 hours), which was uploaded by the user 'ritchey', got removed do to Copyright.
    Later, popular news shows such as Associated Press, and others, uploaded the video. After they uploaded it, ritcheys video got removed for copyright! That's wrong!
    Copyright is soon going to take over YouTube. Give this comment a thumbs up if you agree.
    copy and paste the message we must spread the word
  • This media spectacle is a convenient distraction to give Americans a false sense of financial security and hope. The real threat is the global economic crisis and the iminent U.S. hyperinflation spear-headed by the devaluing dollar caused by the private central bank, the Federal Reserve. Soon, all those cheering this guy on will be in his shoes before he was given a "second chance". When the inflation hits, there will be no chances, period.

Is the world really planning a boycott over Youtube and it's Vevo??

It seems that the world is upset with he way Youtube is running with all these different ads and having VeVo as a main video uploader which is actually replacing users. This is a movement that it seems had started in the first 5 to 6 days of the year!! Check it out and express your opinion!!!!